Valor Health, Emmett, Idaho-
Earlier in October, Valor Health Hospital Emergency Department accepted 29 Cuddle Bears and Books from community member, Rena Rhodes, USBORNE Books Representative. The colorful books and cuddly soft bears will be given to pediatric patients that visit Valor Health Emergency Department for traumatic incidents.
Rena organized the Cards for a Cause online fundraiser through Usborne Books and More, that ran the month of September. For every box of greeting cards Rena sold, a book and a bear would be donated to the charity of Rena’s choosing. She lovingly selected our local hospital, Valor Health. She began the venture with a personal goal of 15 bears and books. As Rena reached out to our community for support, she was excited to see purchases and donations for the cause exceeding her goal.
“Our community really stepped up. My wish is that every kid that receives one of these books and bears will have a moment of peace. They will be able to forget about their pain, fears, and the scary things going on around them.”