Woman being comforted by a Valor Health Nurse.

Patient Portal FAQ

For Patient Portal Customer Service, please call 1 (877) 621-8014

The patient portal provides secure online access for Valor Health patients. You will be able to:

  • Access lab and imaging results as soon as they are available
  • Review follow-up appointments, request future appointments, or cancel current appointments
  • Communicate with your provider and healthcare team
  • Request medication refills
  • View your personal medical records, i.e. medication list, allergy list, visit summary, and patient education

Frequently Asked Questions:

Interested in registering for your Valor Health Patient Portal? It’s easy! Follow these simple steps!

How do I create an account?

The patient portal is available to all patients that have used a Valor Health Facility, after February 28, 2017. You may sign up during any visit at one of our clinics or the hospital. Just speak to your registration clerk about enrolling.

If you do not have an email invitation,  you will need your MRN (Medical Record Number) to enroll. To obtain your MRN, please present in person to any Valor Health registration desk or your healthcare provider’s office.

Ready to register?

Who can sign up for the patient portal?

We currently offer this option to our patients, ages 13 and older.

What if both my spouse and I want to sign up, but we only have one email address?

It is your responsibility to provide us with a secure email address that can be used for sensitive messages. If you share an email address with an additional user, please be aware that your information could be accessed by all users of the account.

Once registered, how do I sign on and access the Patient Portal?

Access the patient portal by selecting the link below or by visiting the Valor Health website home page and selecting the linked buttons at the top of the page.

What if I don’t remember my username?

You will have to call the Patient Portal Customer Service number at 1(877) 621-8014

What if I don’t remember my password or my account is locked out?

You are allowed 3 attempts to successfully log into the Patient Portal. After the third failed attempt, for your protection, your account will be locked out. You will need to call 1(877)621-8014 to reset your password.

Where are my older records, lab or imaging results?

In general, medical records, lab tests, and x-ray orders will be published if they occurred after 2/28/2017. Tests before that date were not formatted for the patient portal system.

What if I notice something is not correct on the portal, such as allergy medication?

You should make a note of this and discuss it with the physician or clinic staff member at your next visit.

I hold Power of Attorney for another individual. How do I create an account?

If you hold a power of attorney, you must present the document in person to the Health Information Management Department, located inside Valor Health Hospital at 1202 E Locust Street. Once you have submitted the appropriate documentation, you will be given the individual’s MRN number for portal registration.

Do you have additional questions?

If you have additional questions, please call Patient Portal Support at 1 (877) 621-8014 and they will be happy to assist.